Friday, October 2, 2009

Learning to "Speak Green" with Rite Mind!!

If you are like me, learning about the "Green" industry, living sustainably, developing an "ECO FRIENDLY" lifestyle and basically getting in tune with Mother Earth, has really opened up a whole gamut of new windows and doors, while CLOSING many others!

I have come to a personal realization that whether I believe it or not, our planet, our world, our humanity, our race is right in the middle of virtually and totally re-inventing itself! Look anywhere. Look everywhere! Just LOOK! Almost everything is NOW all about getting into harmony with our homes, our businesses, our neighborhoods, our environment, each other - and mostly our planet! All this talk of "Green and Sustainability" is really about getting in TUNE with what "works" for enhancing our well being as individuals, as a community, as a collective, as the HUMAN RACE!

If we could SIMPLIFY the whole process of this re-inventing process I would like to submit that it boils down to a fundamental notion about "getting into the mind set" of BEING HUMAN IN HARMONY WITH EARTH!

If we treat her right - she will in turn treat us right with the abundance that she has en masse, and without any doubt!!

So many of us are going through all kinds of varying challenges be it financial, health, relationships... and in most of the cases I would venture to say that it all starts with something that has gone "out of sync", "out of harmony"!! Be it something in our bodies leading to dis-ease, to something related to our "egos" leading to dis-agreement(s), or our Global Economy now suffering from the dis-connect of the ever spinning wheel of "consumption"... leading to economic dis-cord.

If we can find a way to bring these back into harmony, into "rite mind" so to speak... I submit we could make a huge difference, and quite quickly!

In the meantime - as we "re-member" much of which were in truth already the "ways" of many ancient civilizations... here is a link that may help us grasp some of the goings on and pick up on some "GREEN SPEAK" at the same time!!!

Let's take some time to reflect and find ways to harmonize, with our selves, with each other, with Earth Mind... and watch the way our world changes!

Feel free to voice your comments!



"If we change the way we look at things, what we look at changes!"