Friday, October 2, 2009

Learning to "Speak Green" with Rite Mind!!

If you are like me, learning about the "Green" industry, living sustainably, developing an "ECO FRIENDLY" lifestyle and basically getting in tune with Mother Earth, has really opened up a whole gamut of new windows and doors, while CLOSING many others!

I have come to a personal realization that whether I believe it or not, our planet, our world, our humanity, our race is right in the middle of virtually and totally re-inventing itself! Look anywhere. Look everywhere! Just LOOK! Almost everything is NOW all about getting into harmony with our homes, our businesses, our neighborhoods, our environment, each other - and mostly our planet! All this talk of "Green and Sustainability" is really about getting in TUNE with what "works" for enhancing our well being as individuals, as a community, as a collective, as the HUMAN RACE!

If we could SIMPLIFY the whole process of this re-inventing process I would like to submit that it boils down to a fundamental notion about "getting into the mind set" of BEING HUMAN IN HARMONY WITH EARTH!

If we treat her right - she will in turn treat us right with the abundance that she has en masse, and without any doubt!!

So many of us are going through all kinds of varying challenges be it financial, health, relationships... and in most of the cases I would venture to say that it all starts with something that has gone "out of sync", "out of harmony"!! Be it something in our bodies leading to dis-ease, to something related to our "egos" leading to dis-agreement(s), or our Global Economy now suffering from the dis-connect of the ever spinning wheel of "consumption"... leading to economic dis-cord.

If we can find a way to bring these back into harmony, into "rite mind" so to speak... I submit we could make a huge difference, and quite quickly!

In the meantime - as we "re-member" much of which were in truth already the "ways" of many ancient civilizations... here is a link that may help us grasp some of the goings on and pick up on some "GREEN SPEAK" at the same time!!!

Let's take some time to reflect and find ways to harmonize, with our selves, with each other, with Earth Mind... and watch the way our world changes!

Feel free to voice your comments!



"If we change the way we look at things, what we look at changes!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


What is the Story of Stuff?

From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.

You can click on this link to watch the YOU TUBE video:

Or you can go direct to their website at


Ever since 1981, TEAM PERKA has produced steel frames that were always intended to LAST! We give it a 40 year warranty - but it will probably last even longer! It’s made of STEEL!!! Furthermore they are designed to be “stand alone”. Which means they don’t rely on the purlins, girts and sheeting (the envelope) to give it the full CAPACITY that is needed. The frames alone are designed to take it - then adding the envelope can actually ADD MORE strength and more durability! And when you’re done with them - probably in a 3rd or 4th generation from now… you can RECYCLE it! It’s STEEL!

We believe in the closed loop designing of our frames… and doing whatever we can to help all our buildings be made as sustainable as they possibly can.

While there are some debatable comments in her presentation - this video still explains this concept of a closed loop system quite well! Whether you believe in the extreme situation of where we are as a society or not - there is still ALLOT of merit to being more responsible about consumption and being better stewards of what we DO have. These are trying times for most of us - and this ideal can go a long way to help us all both in the short term and the long run!!

We believe it’s about getting our facts straight about where we are as a race, where we’re going, where we REALLY want to go, and then collectively choosing to get there TOGETHER!

Like ANNIE says –  it wasn’t always this way –  WE CAN CHANGE!

Friday, September 11, 2009

What is Renewable Energy? A Work of Art.

When one jumps onto the “Sustainable Building” Train - the amount of information about all the various aspects of building for living sustainably, and creating a sovereign lifestyle can seem quite daunting. But like anything that is “new” - by keeping at it and picking up a little bit more each day - like a large tiny piece puzzle - with a genuine interest and desire to be the best we can be, the pieces we put together gently begin to reveal the “Masterpiece”!! And believe me - it is truly a “work of art”…

Embarking on this living responsibly through sustainability journey which is actually a returning to ancient ways of respect and appreciation for our lands and its fruit, brings one to a realization that LIVING life fully is ART. We are born with a blank canvas labelled by “our name or identity” and we thus create, re-create and co-create what it looks like and what image (legacy) we will and wish to leave behind… When you think of things in that LIGHT - it can sure make this process of “doing the right thing” for our planet and our people - an honor, a privilege, a JOY!

Not too long ago I decided to begin a process of re-inventing myself. Without dad as my mentor, partner and friend - “doing business” just wasn’t the same. Much changed. So now I look for fulfilment by the essence he left behind mixing with one that is now redefining not only me, but our world, humanity and our existence.

It’s “back to the Ancient Future” … time to rediscover the roots that makes this planet what it truly can be, in all it’s majesty, it’s beauty, it’s wonder –  A WORK OF ART.

For any of you following along the green r-evolution of our world these days, here (below) is another bit of information that can maybe add a few more pieces to the wondrous puzzle of co-creating a better LIFE on this EARTH… Please feel free to comment on this or any other blog. The Internet has helped our world become a lot smaller, allot more universal, where we can actually co-create with fellow beings on the opposite side of the world!! These blogs gives us full access to experiences, ideas, creations, “100th monkey changes” that would have taken generations to discover. Now we have access to it all virtually instantly - or as fast as we can read, interact and absorb. It is more accurate, purer and fundamentally inter-connected. So let’s use it for the greater good it can offer… and let’s share and collaborate (world wide) to more effectively truly make our planet, our homes, our lives healthier, more peaceful and the loving place to LIVE that they were always meant to be…

Renewable energy sources are energy sources that are continually replenished. These include energy from water, wind, the sun, geothermal sources, and biomass sources such as energy crops. In contrast, fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are non-renewable. Once a deposit of these fuels is depleted it cannot be replenished – a replacement deposit must be found instead. Both renewable and non-renewable energy sources are used to generate electricity, power vehicles, and provide heating, cooling, and light.

Renewable sources of energy vary widely in their cost-effectiveness and in their availability across the United States. Although water, wind, and other renewables may appear free, their cost comes in collecting, harnessing, and transporting the energy so that it can do useful work. For example, to utilize energy from water, a dam must be built along with electric generators and transmission lines.

Renewables themselves are non-polluting, while the structures built to harness them can have positive or negative environmental impacts. For example, dams may affect fish migration but may also create wildlife habitat.

Solar technologies use the sun’s energy to provide heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling, for homes, businesses, and industry. Despite sunlight’s significant potential for supplying energy, solar power provides less than 1% of U.S. energy needs. This percentage is expected to increase with the development of new and more efficient solar technologies.

Different types of solar collectors are used to meet different energy needs. Passive solar building designs capture the sun’s heat to provide space heating and light. Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly to electricity. Concentrating solar power systems focus sunlight with mirrors to create a high-intensity heat source, which then produces steam or mechanical power to run a generator that creates electricity. Flat-plate collectors absorb the sun’s heat directly into water or other fluids to provide hot water or space heating. And solar process heating and cooling systems use specialized solar collectors and chemical processes to meet large-scale hot water and heating and cooling needs.

Solar technologies produce few negative environmental impacts during collector operation. However, there are environmental concerns associated with the production of collectors and storage devices. In addition, cost is a great drawback to solar power. Although sunlight is free, solar cells and the equipment needed to convert their direct-current output to alternating current for use in a house is expensive. Electricity generated by solar cells is still more than twice as expensive as electricity from fossil fuels. Part of the problem with cost is that solar cells can The parabolic troughs that make up this concentrating solar power system generate power from the sun on a large scale in California.only operate during daylight hours. In contrast, a coal or natural gas plant can run around the clock, which means the cost for building the plant can be spread over many more hours of use.

Around the United States, available sunlight varies considerably as a result of differences in cloud cover and latitude, and also varies with the seasons. In the summer, longer daylight hours and a higher sun angle provide more solar power, compared to the winter when the sun is up for fewer hours and at a lower position in the sky. These variations must be taken into consideration when planning solar collection facilities.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The more one researches about “BUILDING GREEN” - “SUSTAINABLE BUILDING” - “CONSCIOUS LIVING - the more one realizes the less one knows, and the more there is to know!! It’s wild. It’s GREAT!

There are many initiatives going on ALL OVER THE WORLD. From governments to grass roots. The great thing is were all pointing to pretty much the same end result: a NEW BEGINNING! Taking better care of our planet. Taking better care of each other. As long as we can make it into a global awareness, a “new” race consciousness - how can we go wrong?

I was speaking with a colleague recently and in our conversation we were kind of like trying to find “new” words for GREEN - or Sustainability - because we were both getting the feeling that we were almost starting to over use them. We were turning the word “green” into a verb. While there was nothing really wrong with that - we both felt we just wouldn’t want to turn all this recent “hype” into something that people just end up glazing their eyes over and taking for granted. All aspects of “GREENING” is very important right now… Let’s NOT take it for granted! In fact it was also brought to my attention that if you look around, in almost any U.S. rural town - you will find VERY LITTLE if ANY indication that anyone is “DOING GREEN”!!! There is allot of “talk” and “writing” and maybe even thinking - which is a great start - but, still, LITTLE is being DONE!

THIS IS A TIME FOR ACTION! And we must realize that EVERY action, be it turning the tap off between rinses when brushing our teeth, to installing SOLAR PANELS on our roof, WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. There is so much “waste” already going on - we can make a HUGE difference FAST!

If you haven’t already - you can start simple - change your light bulbs, shorten your shower time, control your thermostat, seal up your homes, insulate… AND, if you are in a position to build NEW, take a little bit of extra time and PLAN.

Below find a GREAT article presented by the US department of Energy - encouraging us to build with awareness.

We at TEAM PERKA are committed to be part of the solution.


Whole Building Design for Commercial Buildings
Whole building commercial design considers all components and subsystems during the initial design phase and is the most important step in achieving net-zero energy buildings. On this page you’ll learn more about whole building commercial design and find related information.

Integrated Design Is Critical
Whole building design takes into consideration site, energy, materials, indoor air quality, acoustics, and natural resources. The design team must be fully integrated early in the process to address how these elements work together. The team should include architects, engineers, building occupants and owners, and specialists in areas such as indoor air quality, materials, and energy use.

Integrated building design changes the way architects, engineers, and project teams design buildings and leads to much higher energy performance. To be successful, project teams must:
Set specific and measurable energy goals

~Develop strategies to meet the goals by planning from the top down and evaluating from the bottom up
~Create a structure that encourages communication among team members
~Make each team member accountable for successfully implementing the strategies
~Evaluate progress toward the goal frequently.

Compared to conventional buildings, whole building design reduces the amount of energy required to operate a building by incorporating energy-saving technologies.

Benefits include:
~Reduced energy use by 50% or more
~Decreased maintenance and capital costs
Less environmental impact
~Increased occupant comfort and health
~Improved employee productivity.
~Invest Design Savings into Energy Efficiency

Architects, engineers, and project teams can make design decisions that reduce the financial impact of energy-saving technologies. For example, siting a building to maximize daylighting reduces the cost of lighting for the lifetime of the building. In addition, optimizing building envelope design will reduce heating and cooling costs. Savings from these design strategies can then be invested in higher quality windows or controls, which will also reduce energy use.

The High Performance Buildings Database provides business cases for projects across the United States and around the world. The energy, economic, and environmental performance of high-performance buildings is substantially better than standard practice.

Monday, August 24, 2009


URBAN MINING. And why not? Just one of the by-products is a much IMPROVED, cleaner environment. And if we enlist the elderly, the unemployed, those on welfare… who knows how much more good can come of it!!

Japan is a prime example… in fact their rapidly aging population is leading the way in one town to create a zero-waste community, recycling everything, including valuable gold from old phones. In this town there is no trash collection and no landfill, just people sorting their own trash into 34 categories.

See link below:
This is definitely something to think about.


Monday, August 17, 2009

What does Building Green Mean?

It’s time…

We need to get educated and then help educate others on Building Green!

We need to know that Perka’s Steel Frames fit perfectly into closed loop sustainability and in zero waste design systems. And they are free standing sovereign structures. You can put ANYTHING on the envelope.

Soon Team Perka will be passing on opportunities to add off grid energy systems, like solar panel packages, alternative wind energy, and sharing information among and between us as team mates, co-creators and co-spiritors on how to become more enlightened or aware of all that goes into building green - like doing our take-offs with even more diligence to eliminate as much on site waste as we possibly can. And using materials, that if not useable, can be recycled… and will be brought to appropriate recyclers…

Follow these blogs and the many others on the net - as I will be making a added special effort to passing on as much specific info about “Building Green” so we can not only help ourselves, but help each other and our planet.





Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Do you think BUILDING NEW can help you live more sustainable?

Despite these challenging socio-economic times - there are many many gems of opportunity popping up! The whole "green" sustainable lifestyle movement is actually growing exponentially. And it is more than a movement ... on the eve of the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock - it is becoming more and more apparent that it is a necessity if we're going to be able to have anything worthwhile to pass on to our children and our children's children...

It is also becoming a very contagious mindset and is pointing towards a NEW, but very healthy, life enhancing and potentially prosperous direction. As one of my colleagues said to me just this morning - the more of this lifestyle he takes on and integrates - the more it becomes a daily "need" to look for or determine another thing he can do to be even "greener" - more sustaining, more earth friendly. And each time he comes up with something - he gets this overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment! There is this HUMAN CONNECTION that is formed - that just keeps growing!! And so if you are then spending less, living off less, growing more, repairing, restoring, re-using, recycling, etc... you NEED less. And if you NEED less you can virtually end up HAVING more! More Peace of Mind! More time for JOY. More feeling of worth. More satisfaction. More health to LIVE. More of all the TRULY important things in life and an overall great feeling of well being! Something all those toys and "things" we may have just don't BUY!

Now many of us wondering - "OK - I am HERE now... at this particular place and lifestyle that is really not compatible with this cleaner, richer, simpler lifestyle. How can I get from HERE to THERE?? How can I "get out" of this wasteful home, this wasteful car, this wasteful job or even this wasteful community - without totally turning one's world upside down in one fell swoop? Or if not totally "out", how can I maybe do my part and transform or evolve it in such a way that is somewhat less overwhelming??"

Well opportunities ARE popping up, budding and even starting to sprout. For example, albeit a bit controversial to some, there is the "Cash for Clunkers" program to help many get out of our older gaz guzzling wasteful cars. I know it involves some borrowing - but this may help with the transition process that many of us need at this particular time. Unless we could somehow share in this week's $182,000,0o0 Powerball lottery - I doubt we could even make a quantum leap to do the change we are envisioning. But these sort of baby steps, one would think, - if done with full awareness and intention, CAN HELP!

As far as our "jobs" go - well since the "new economy" hasn't quite started flourishing enough yet - we may want to choose to be happy with any income right now and keep our eyes and ears open for ANY opportunity that may fit our desire for a more sustainable lifestyle... there are thousands if not millions of jobs coming soon in the whole "rebuilding our world" mission, and most will be quite fulfilling KNOWING that whatever we do, be it a carpenter to electrician, to engineer or receptionist, that it is CHANGING the way we DO things to our planet... Let's face it - we are at point where we have to "fix" things, and we can NOT use the fixes that we used to! So if you don't know much about sustainable living - start reading, start studying ... join this blog, join the many blogs online that are "spreading the word"!!! If we all can start doing even some of the smallest things - we will collectively make a BIG difference.

Which leads us to starting this process of building these newer more sustainable, energy saving, zero carbon footprint, closed loop and even OFF GRID homes, businesses, schools, churches, etc...

IF NOT YOU OR ME THEN WHO? IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN??? It's a matter of making the decision and GETTING STARTED, even if its making it a transitional evolution...
You ready? But you need some financing maybe? Well if you don't have an established relationship with a bank or lender, there are equity lenders who presently have money ... and are ready to lend specifically for projects in this direction - in fact TEAM PERKA has found and is collaboratingwith Mid Town Equity who have agreed to work with any client who may want to see if they have enough existing equity to get the seed money to help make this transition into a new "GREEN, ENERGY EFFICIENT, SOVEREIGN AND SUSTAINABLE" building. (You can CALL now 800-467-3752 for more info.)

It's a question of making new choices. Nothing will change unless WE take the steps to make the changes... WE are the ones WE are waiting for.



Monday, August 10, 2009

Simple tips for increasing home efficiency…

Here are some tips that are profoundly “simple” yet can make a HUGE difference in energy efficiency of a home, school, church or business… Every once in a while I fall into one of these gems of information that just MUST be passed on. Full acknowledgement goes to for their work. For more amazingly simple money saving AND earth friendly ideas visit them at

Team Perka is always looking for skilled teammates, of like mind, to help co-create a world that understands the meaning of sustainable, earth loving and respect filled living. Whether we team up with others by acknowledging their work or actually collaborate on specifc projects, it really doesn’t matter. The truth of the matter is we are ALL in this world together. The sooner we understand this notion, seeing each other as TRUE brothers and sisters… the sooner we can cooperate and collaborate our way to a life that is more abundant, peace filled, joyful and loving.

The following four green building tips will make a home dramatically more energy efficient. Someday these simple design suggestions will be part of the design of all buildings, as they add nothing to the construction cost in most cases. Additional roof and wall insulation will make the home even more energy efficient. At the time this house was constructed, code required insulating the roof to R-30. We insulated the roof to R-50 to R-55. It cost just a bit more, yet will reduce energy bills for years to come.

Step 1 Build small and build only what you need. Put your money into visual details instead of square footage. This will dramatically reduce construction costs and the monthly cost of heating and cooling the building.

Step 2 Face the long side of the home to the south (in the northern hemisphere). This simple step, which is so simple to do, allows the home to collect and use solar energy. The windows facing the south are then able to permit direct sunlight to enter the home in the winter (if heating is needed). It also allows for the mounting of solar panels on the roof to heat water and generate electricity.

Step 3 Pay attention to window placement. If keeping your home cool in the summer is important, then attention must be paid to the size and number of windows on the east, and especially the west, side of the home. Just because the home is heavily insulated with straw bales, or some other form of insulation, does not mean that is will never overheat. If winter heating is needed, too many windows on the north side will only drain the home of heat.
The west side of this home has only one window to prevent overheating in the summer. Trees can also be planted on this side to shade the wall.

Step 4 Design the roof overhang to control the sunlight entering the home. The diagrams below, from page 22 of the “Building With Awareness” guidebook, shows why this works. The length of the overhang is easy to compute by looking up the sun angles for summer and winter in your area.

Winter Sun AngleThe sun is low on the horizon at high noon in winter. The roof overhang and windows allow sunlight to enter the home. When it strikes the darker-colored surfaces of the floor and walls, this light energy is converted into heat energy. The thermal mass absorbs this heat and slowly releases it back into the rooms at night.

Summer Sun AngleThe summer sun is high above the horizon at noon. The roof overhang now prevents direct sunlight from entering the home. This keeps the interior much cooler. You can actually design the overhang to cut out direct sunlight in the month that you choose. If your spring season is still cold, more sunlight can be allowed to enter.

Makes sense doesn’t it?

Friday, August 7, 2009

What is "true" Sustainability?




Because, if you really think about - allot of the things we call GREEN - SUSTAINABLE - EARTH FRIENDLY… are only such for the SHORT TERM. Oh sure, their performance can have long term affects - and that is important too! But what happens when they wear out? When their performance is no longer “good enough”??? Then what? Ever think of that?

Often times - the so called Green Products we use eventually “die” and then what? Are they able to be recirculated? Recycled? Re-used? Re-stored? Revamped? Allot of time - the answer is NO! They end up in trash dumps, land fills - or worse, hidden or pushed aside to become clutter or POLLUTION in one form or another… Do we ever think of “life after death” for “things”??

The sustainability of any “product” is actually linked to the sustainability of its outcomes and to what happens after it is no longer usable! Sustainable products - or in this case “BUILDINGS” must be cognizant of how they are packaged together - for efficiency, compatibility, use and then post use… considering the energy and resources they use to construct and maintain, the wastes they produce and then how they will be disposed of. One would be surprised how much of our “products” end up in landfills because there is just nothing else that can be sustainably done with them!!! Ever think about that?

We must be sustainably innovative, not only with product performance - but with the product ITSELF! Instead of simply focusing on “energy use/consumption/saving”, true sustainable construction must view and evaluate the total package… from supply, through installation, through use/maintenance, to life cycle end use/disposal. If we don’t do that - the loop of waste does not close to ZERO and we just defer the potential problems to another generation…
Using steel where steel is needed (in super structure) - adds to a longer shelf life of your building just for starters. And when the time is up - you can take all the steel and RECYCLE it all! Of course going totally ALL -STEEL has it’s drawbacks - including being limited to shell/envelope materials… so by using a stand alone designed framework like that offered by PERKA BUILDING FRAMES, designed for easy assembly and finish friendly, you can then add on ANY other green, truly sustainable materials that are not only closed loop but ALSO appealing to look at and comfortable to work, play and live in.

After all - how we HUMANS feel as we LIVE out our LIVES - is as much about sustainable innovation as anything else. If we are happy, high spirited and filled with GOOD feelings, we not only live happier, better - but we will die happier, better too…. and leaving a healthy body, still filled with sustainable vital organs, could be the greatest gift of a closed loop system we could offer to our children’s children… don’t you think?

How’s that for closing a loop on building sustainably!!??


"Alone we may travel quicker, but together we travel further"... author unknown

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A fantastic new website has just been launched and is LOADED with great information to help our world become more sustainable and, if all goes well, become the paradise like planet it is aspired to be for EVERYONE… we all just need to take care of our patch of real estate… It really ought not be that hard to do!! What do you think?

Go Green, Be Organic ~ do your part in saving our Earth for all generations to come

We each and everyone of us have a part to play in changing the world.
It is just an easy one step at a time process to be fully conscientious about your piece of the greening of the planet.

Most everyone can do at least a good part of this 12 month list
If you are up to 65% at any time get your certification here: green certificate

Do you want to feel good about your ‘footprint’ & do what you can to help save our environment, as well as save money with alternative energy?

WE all can do it~Let’s get started~
Just practicing ONE of these steps a month, with the emphasize and focus on making one change at a time.

It is so easy to do…..Just by following the list

By focusing on one subheading a week, we will help the whole world to be a better, sustainable place to live for Us now and the future generations of our children and our children’s children.

YOU can make a difference!
The change starts right now, right here with you and your family

There are many ways to go green, help the planet and save on money.
As simple as changing all your light bulbs, installing a low flow showerhead or owning a hybrid car.

12 steps to Greening the Planet


Month 1. Save energy to save money.
week 1 *Start to become energy use aware and think Efficient.
How do we switch from being ‘wasters’ to ’savers’?
This is the way we begin….it is all about being aware.
Notice at home, at work in the car ways you can do more to save energy. Think about doing just a bit more every single day to make another observation, then change. One small step at a time.
Next……how about Considering weatherizing your home?

Start with turning off lights and power strips when leaving a room.
Then set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
It becomes a game to see how aware you can be of all the little things we do to waste energy daily. Then make a small change in the way you do this each day. Just start paying more attention to energy usage. Vow to make a difference in little ways to begin with. Eventually it begins to add up.
week 2* Install compact fluorescent light bulbs throughout your house this week, make a plan to have all your light bulbs CFLS. Or when your older incandescent bulbs burn out, change them one at a time.
week 3* Get a “smart” power strip that senses when appliances and electronics are off and cuts “phantom” or “vampire” energy use, or just unplug electronics when not in use.
week 4 *Start Washing your clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water. Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying. If you must use a dryer, consider adding dryer balls to cut drying time.


Month 2. Save water to save money and the planet.
week 1 * Be aware of your water usage. Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too. Install a low-flow showerhead. They don’t cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment. Buy a whole house water filter or at least a shower filter. We have too much chlorine in our city water, which is harmful to our health.

week 2 * Buy a whole house water filter or at least a shower filter. We have too much chlorine in our city water, which is harmful to our health.
Check out out the movie ‘Flow’ and understand the worlds situation in regards to bottled water, our entire water situation on this planet, and begin to have an idea about the problem.
week 3* Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.
week 4 * check out your yard water usage. Think about switching to drought-tolerant native plants in your garden if this is an option. Many plants need minimal watering. Find out which occur naturally in your area.

Month 3. Use less gasoline, walk, ride a bike or bus

week 1 * Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.
week 2 * Consider moving within walking distance of your job if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.
week 3* Lobby your local government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost, these improvements can pay huge dividends in bettering your health and reducing traffic.
week 4* Sell your gas guzzling car if you have one and buy a hybrid car

month 4. Eat Green Cuisine -go vege or vegan when you can

week 1* If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it’s even more expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs. Switch to only locally raised, humane, and organic meat, eggs, and dairy whenever you can. Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy. * Watch videos about why local food and sustainable seafood are so great. Whatever your diet, eat low on the food chain. This is especially true for seafood
week 2*Eat more greens, vegetables and begin to adapt to a whole food diet
week 3* consider starting a vegetable garden and a composting bin.
week 4* Be aware of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in foods. Read up on the side effects of certain poisons we are eating. Eat organic vegetables. Switch to as much organic as you can. Be aware of where food comes from, how it is made and how they are produced. Buy bulk items that are organic Rice, beans, lentils etc. Also, buy local, and buy aware of what is in your food, read labels.

Month 5. Cut down our use of plastics

week 1* Don’t buy bottled water in plastic. Purchase a water filter to purify tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but it generates large amounts of container waste. Bring a reusable water bottle with you where ever you go so you aren’t tempted to buy soft drinks. preferably aluminum rather than plastic, with you when traveling or at work.

week 2* Buy reusable products and purchase items packaged environmentally friendly. Notice everything in your home that is bottled or packaged in plastic. Make a plan to switch to no longer purchasing what is packaged in plastic, except only the truly necessary times when there is not an option.
week 3* Use only your own bags when going shopping and do not except plastic bags from stores
week 4* Remove unnecessary plastic from your environment and recycle everything you can


month 6. Learn to change your spending habits~buy sparingly - only what you need
week 1* Yes, sorry to say it~Plan a budget! Become aware of where your money is going, and spend more wisely, and greener.
week 2 * Become a thrift shopper~Check out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday items. When making purchases, make sure you know what’s “Good Stuff” and what isn’t. Go online to find new or gently used secondhand products. Whether you’ve just moved or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist to track down furniture, appliances, and other items cheaply or for free. Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for better or worse. Focus on buying in bulk and going shopping less often when you do need to. Get jars and store your dry goods in gallon jars and shop only when those staples are empty.

week 3 * Save-Save-Save the Earth and Focus on Saving money in a difficult economy
* Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for better or worse.
week 4* Spend your money repairing fixable items instead of getting new stuff. Make a list of ways to recycle the old items you are no longer using, be aware when you spend of the environment and saving it!


Month 7. Be a borrowing and a sharer, share everything you can!
week 1 * Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books.
week 2 * Share power tools and other appliances. Get to know your neighbors while cutting down on the number of things cluttering your closet or garage.
week 3 *Be a reuse person! Make it your mission this month to reuse instead of recycling. Reuse something means it doesn’t have to be reprocessed again. If you cannot reuse it donate it-or sell it on e-bay!
week 4*Clean out your closets, garage, attic and basement.Give it away, donate it sell it! Get down to only the essential items you and your family need. Share it, give it and enjoy lightening up.


Month 8. Shop smart. Buy organic ‘green’ products
week 1 * Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
week 2 * Wear clothes that are made with organic, natural fabrics when it is possible. Also clothes that don’t need to be dry-cleaned. This saves money and cuts down on toxic chemical use.
week 3 * Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you’ll be happy when you don’t have to replace items as frequently (and this means less waste!).
week 4* Wrap your mind around ORGANIC in all areas of living. Green, sustainable living is the new way of living, this month make it your lifelong mission.


month 9. Reduce THE waste of unnecessary GARBAGE and reuse what you already have
week 1 * Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible. Donate or recycle them responsibly when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxics and is a growing environmental problem. Recycle your cell phone.
week 2 * Visit your local dump and make a conscious choice to do something to help out - We have way too much waste on this planet. Think of one creative way you can cut down
week 3 * Ask your local government to set up an electronics recycling and hazardous waste collection event. Talk to your co-workers about it.
week 4 *give up unneeded gadgets, clean your home of junk electronics


Month 10. Remove as many chemicals from your life as possible

Week 1 * Use up all the old chemical cleaning supplies or give them away to someone that still uses them
week 2 * Make your own cleaning supplies. You can make very effective, non-toxic cleaning products whenever you need them. All you need are a few simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap. Making your own cleaning products saves money, time, and packaging-not to mention your indoor air quality.
week 3* Check out toxins and chemicals in drugs you take or food you ingest? Clean it up, out of our bodies and out of the system
week 4* need I say this, quit coffee, alcohol and cigarettes if any one this has become a habit

Month 11. Use only natural products on your skin
week 1* switch over to all natural skin and body care products made without all those HARMFUL chemical preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and wasteful packaging. Make sure your products are at the very least 50% organic and natural.
week 2* commit to read labels on every body care product
week 3 *buy locally or from environmentally friendly companies that are making their products consciously. Big business in skin care products is big pollution!
Week 4 *Make some of your own products from natural oils. Buy chemical free sunscreens to protect from harmful sun rays.


Month 12. Stay informed about going green, and be a advocate to continue
Week 1 * Have a good spiritual practice ~start meditation and yoga
week 2 * Focus on others, in service to the Whole of Humanity
week 3* Do your part to advocate greening to others
week 4* Start your own local ‘Greening the Planet’ group

If you have done most of the things and comply with at least 65% percent of this list then
Congratulations! You are now certified ‘Green’.
Get your certificate here: Green certificate

This is how we did our share to help with saving our Earth and save money at the same time- we are doing it together, you and I. We are the ONES we have been waiting for!

It seems like everyone’s “going green.” Now you are too!

It is time all of us get involved and do what we can to take action. It wasn’t as hard as we thought, was it?
Luckily, many of the steps we took to stop climate change and save energy have made our lives better, healthier and more fulfilling .
Our grandchildren-and their children-will thank us for living more sustainably. Let’s start now. Start with one change a week at a time, and have fun noticing how fast you are “green”.

Just stay abreast and get the step by step updates - Sign up for our weekly newsletter. One Step at a time
It is simple and fun to get on the ‘greening the planet’ program.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


An excellent site on the VALUES of and FOR co-creating a sustainable future for our CHILDREN, Our World visit:

Kathryn Alexander shares some awesome information on what it’s going to take for us to band together and get this done. Our way of thinking and being here at TEAM PERKA is directly in line with these effective values.

Here is just a brief excerpt from this site:

The Effective Value Set
When one engages strangers and wants to be safe, being open and transparent are necessary qualities. Consequently, the values that support effectiveness begin with; Promote Comfort and Convenience, Be Optimistic, Be Open to Inventiveness and Novelty, Compete, and Shun Force. These values allow for connection and the creation of new relationships. To develop those relationships, the following values come into play; Collaborate, Come to Voluntary Agreement, Be Honest, Use Initiative and Enterprise, Be Effective, Be Industrious and Be Thrifty. Additional values for maintaining a productive on-going relationship include; Respect Contracts, Invest for Productivity and last but not least, Dissent for the Task. People want to know, before there is an issue, if something is not right or could go wrong. This approach differs markedly from the Protective Value Set’sDeceive for the Task.”

From these we can then spring board to the values needed for true Sustainable living…
That shift requires that we truly understand the Integrity of the Whole, that we recognize the interrelatedness and Interdependence that creates Balance through Right Relationship as expressed in Zero Waste and true Abundance. As we strive to live long on this planet, the Precautionary Principle is treated as a natural law and Future Life becomes so important and valued that All Actions Enhance Life and those that do not are considered corrupt. Because Humans are Intrinsic to the web of life, Diversity becomes valued as the key to resilience and through Empowerment people can Co-Create in a Self-Organizing way that fosters true Reciprocity, appreciation and gratitude as we move forward together.

FOR MORE INFO - VISIT for more info on above and or visit Kathryn’s site at or her blog “Living Rthics” at

Are you still wondering if Building Green is really “the way” to go?

While it is probably the fastest growing “awareness” the human race has ever grown into - one might be surprised to hear how so many of us still wonder if Building Green is “worth” it???

“Building Green” is not only good for the “environment” which it does by preserving energy by not “wasting” it needlessly, consuming less non-renewable resources by choosing smart earth friendly materials, saving time by having systems pre-thought out to not have to do things “in the field” where it can create allot of “standing around” and cost everyone allot more than is really necessary (which is also non-renewable by the way), better for our health which reduces loss of man-hours due to sick days , improving well being and morale which increases creativity, quality and productivity, and by just being THE FEEL GOOD approach to building which we all know the benefits of just FEELING GOOD — but “BUILDING GREEN” can actually save our ‘economy’; — or at least transform the illusory one we’ve been playing in, to one that is actually abundant, fair and sustainably REAL!

Read what Reuters has to say:
More Green Building and Energy Efficiency Could Save U.S. Economy $1.2 Trillion

Source: Reuters
Date Written: 7/29/2009

The typical building in the U.S. leaks energy like a sieve and its occupants usually make the situation worse.

But businesses and individuals could stanch the flow by making simple changes that could yield a 23 percent drop in energy use by 2020, save the U.S. economy $1.2 trillion and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.1 gigatons annually, according to a new study.

McKinsey & Company released its 165-page report, “Unlocking Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Economy,” today. The U.S. Green Building Council and 11 other governmental, non-governmental and private sector organizations helped sponsor the report.
You can read Senior Writer Marc Gunther’s take on the report.

The report examines how the nation can increase energy efficiency in buildings and other non-transportation sectors using existing technology and methods — some of them are as basic as using the efficiency settings on equipment and appliances.

The study also takes a hard look at the barriers to progress, why the changes haven’t already been made and what can be done to clear the hurdles.

The report says a targeted investment of $50 billion a year for a 10-year period could produce the big savings and reductions described. In addition, say McKinsey and the USGBC, almost 900,000 jobs would be created.

“This confirms a critical path forward that we have long championed. Harnessing the engine of green, energy efficient buildings can cost-effectively drive tremendous improvements in our economy and environment,” USGBC President, CEO and Founding Chairman Rick Fedrizzi said in statement.

“Green building can stimulate the economy at a level one and a half times larger than the federal stimulus bill. In terms of climate change, a commitment to energy efficiency would be the equivalent to taking the entire U.S. fleet of passenger cars and light trucks — more than 200 million vehicles — off the road.”

CAN YOU IMAGINE? Los Angeles under truly CLEAR blue skies?

YES … Let’s Imagine That… TOGETHER.


Time is NOW for affordable carbon zero/sustainable living

It seems changes/choices/opportunities are coming at us faster and faster every day as more and more folks are having to face the realities of an economy that just isn’t working! Layoffs, business closings, cut backs, shorter work weeks - less disposable income… What has brought us to this? Some experts are pointing to very simply: WASTE!

We have just bought, consumed, acquired and or still have, more than we need! And alot of that was done on BORROWED monies, that can no longer be paid back, which only causes our whole situation to get even worse!!!

I don’t mean to sound negative or hope less - God knows my Dad would cringe if that is what I was doing… NO, this is POSITIVE! If it weren’t for this major wake up call, would I even be writing about this now? Would so many people be talking and debating about what are we going to do???

YES THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE! We must stop WASTING! If we don’t NEED it, don’t get it। If we don’t use it - pass it on - share it - sell it - give it to someone who will. If you can’t PAY for it now - don’t buy it now. We all know the banking system and lending policies is a big cause of what has brought many of us to our proverbial knees - begging each other to hang with us - while we figure things out and get things moving again. Unless you still have some reserves, you’re probably not going to last very long playing the old game… and if you do - let’s realize now there are many great opportunities now to collaberate and actually HELP correct things along the way. Bottom line though is - we can’t fix any of it by going back to same old ways… Things have to change - systems have to change - our habits have to change … including the way we build things!!

TEAM PERKA is fervent about being part of the solution. Our open web structural steel trusses and frames are soundly and soulfully crafted with the highest grade recycled materials… While it may not exactly bring you a ZERO carbon print - it is nonetheless GREATLY reduced. MORE IMPORTANTLY, by being a material of such structurally sound integrity, we choose to design these trusses and frames as independent free standing units. SOVEREIGN. Unlike most wood buildings and MANY steel building (RIGID FRAME, LIGHT GAUGE STEEL) producers - our designers do not incorporate the shell or envelope components into the design of the truss/frame… Our system allows the structure to stand alone - to allow you Mr./Ms. contractor or you Mr./Ms. do-it-yourselfer to be able to put up, on and around the structure ANY material you want — and preferably Earth Friendly! So even if the envelope you choose does not have structural integrities per se, PERKA’s steel frames will accomodate this।

This opens the doors to all kinds of permutations of styles, shapes, sizes and combinations of building options - and, at same time, keeping a strong, durable, reliable skeleton frame system on which to apply your individual artful sustainable materials।

While maybe a bit extreme for most yet, below is a link to an example of an almost pure carbon zero/sustainable building… but as it says - it is still quite labor intensive and somewhat limiting to the useable space and structurally sound framing options… We propose PERKA BUILDING FRAMES as your answer to building affordably, building strong, building sound and building with an answer to being a solution to some of today’s world wide concerns.

DID YOU KNOW?? Another way of putting things!!


Perka Buildings manufactures stand alone sovereign steel frames that are specially designed for EZ install for Do-It-Yourselfers. We are also very conscious of our product and overall business carbon footprint, and choose to incorporate features into our system to save on materials, time and effort not only for assembly, but to insulate, maintain and finish. The Perka Frame is versatile and flexible enough to be able to accept virtually ANY earth friendly material for it’s envelope, thus not only facilitating the “organic home”, “eco building” or ”Greening” ideals, but also provides a still very important concern for strength and integrity for structure and content safety, including a longer lifespan which is also consistent with a closed loop sustainable construct.