Wednesday, August 5, 2009


An excellent site on the VALUES of and FOR co-creating a sustainable future for our CHILDREN, Our World visit:

Kathryn Alexander shares some awesome information on what it’s going to take for us to band together and get this done. Our way of thinking and being here at TEAM PERKA is directly in line with these effective values.

Here is just a brief excerpt from this site:

The Effective Value Set
When one engages strangers and wants to be safe, being open and transparent are necessary qualities. Consequently, the values that support effectiveness begin with; Promote Comfort and Convenience, Be Optimistic, Be Open to Inventiveness and Novelty, Compete, and Shun Force. These values allow for connection and the creation of new relationships. To develop those relationships, the following values come into play; Collaborate, Come to Voluntary Agreement, Be Honest, Use Initiative and Enterprise, Be Effective, Be Industrious and Be Thrifty. Additional values for maintaining a productive on-going relationship include; Respect Contracts, Invest for Productivity and last but not least, Dissent for the Task. People want to know, before there is an issue, if something is not right or could go wrong. This approach differs markedly from the Protective Value Set’sDeceive for the Task.”

From these we can then spring board to the values needed for true Sustainable living…
That shift requires that we truly understand the Integrity of the Whole, that we recognize the interrelatedness and Interdependence that creates Balance through Right Relationship as expressed in Zero Waste and true Abundance. As we strive to live long on this planet, the Precautionary Principle is treated as a natural law and Future Life becomes so important and valued that All Actions Enhance Life and those that do not are considered corrupt. Because Humans are Intrinsic to the web of life, Diversity becomes valued as the key to resilience and through Empowerment people can Co-Create in a Self-Organizing way that fosters true Reciprocity, appreciation and gratitude as we move forward together.

FOR MORE INFO - VISIT for more info on above and or visit Kathryn’s site at or her blog “Living Rthics” at

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