Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time is NOW for affordable carbon zero/sustainable living

It seems changes/choices/opportunities are coming at us faster and faster every day as more and more folks are having to face the realities of an economy that just isn’t working! Layoffs, business closings, cut backs, shorter work weeks - less disposable income… What has brought us to this? Some experts are pointing to very simply: WASTE!

We have just bought, consumed, acquired and or still have, more than we need! And alot of that was done on BORROWED monies, that can no longer be paid back, which only causes our whole situation to get even worse!!!

I don’t mean to sound negative or hope less - God knows my Dad would cringe if that is what I was doing… NO, this is POSITIVE! If it weren’t for this major wake up call, would I even be writing about this now? Would so many people be talking and debating about what are we going to do???

YES THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE! We must stop WASTING! If we don’t NEED it, don’t get it। If we don’t use it - pass it on - share it - sell it - give it to someone who will. If you can’t PAY for it now - don’t buy it now. We all know the banking system and lending policies is a big cause of what has brought many of us to our proverbial knees - begging each other to hang with us - while we figure things out and get things moving again. Unless you still have some reserves, you’re probably not going to last very long playing the old game… and if you do - let’s realize now there are many great opportunities now to collaberate and actually HELP correct things along the way. Bottom line though is - we can’t fix any of it by going back to same old ways… Things have to change - systems have to change - our habits have to change … including the way we build things!!

TEAM PERKA is fervent about being part of the solution. Our open web structural steel trusses and frames are soundly and soulfully crafted with the highest grade recycled materials… While it may not exactly bring you a ZERO carbon print - it is nonetheless GREATLY reduced. MORE IMPORTANTLY, by being a material of such structurally sound integrity, we choose to design these trusses and frames as independent free standing units. SOVEREIGN. Unlike most wood buildings and MANY steel building (RIGID FRAME, LIGHT GAUGE STEEL) producers - our designers do not incorporate the shell or envelope components into the design of the truss/frame… Our system allows the structure to stand alone - to allow you Mr./Ms. contractor or you Mr./Ms. do-it-yourselfer to be able to put up, on and around the structure ANY material you want — and preferably Earth Friendly! So even if the envelope you choose does not have structural integrities per se, PERKA’s steel frames will accomodate this।

This opens the doors to all kinds of permutations of styles, shapes, sizes and combinations of building options - and, at same time, keeping a strong, durable, reliable skeleton frame system on which to apply your individual artful sustainable materials।

While maybe a bit extreme for most yet, below is a link to an example of an almost pure carbon zero/sustainable building… but as it says - it is still quite labor intensive and somewhat limiting to the useable space and structurally sound framing options… We propose PERKA BUILDING FRAMES as your answer to building affordably, building strong, building sound and building with an answer to being a solution to some of today’s world wide concerns.

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